# Vuex ORM Next

🔥 This is the next iteration of Vuex ORM. It's in active development state, though we are hoping this is going to be the foundation of the version 1.0.0 release. Any feedbacks are welcome!

Vuex ORM is a plugin for Vuex (opens new window) to enable Object-Relational Mapping access to the Vuex Store. Vuex ORM lets you create "normalized" data schema within Vuex Store with relationships such as "Has One" and "Belongs To Many" like any other usual ORM library. It also provides fluent API to get, search and update Store state.

Vuex ORM is heavily inspired by Redux recipe of "Normalizing State Shape" (opens new window) and "Updating Normalized Data" (opens new window). Learn more about the concept and motivation of Vuex ORM at What is Vuex ORM?.

# Sponsors

Vuex ORM is sponsored by awesome folks. Big love to all of them from the whole Vuex ORM community 💕

# Super Love Sponsors

Peter Tóth Mario Kolli Cannikan Andy Koch Dylan Copeland

# Big Love Sponsors

geraldbiggs Cue Kazuya Kawaguchi jShaf

# A Love Sponsors

George Chaduneli bpuig John mean-cj

# Table of Contents

Coming soon...

# Questions & Discussions

Join us on our Slack Channel (opens new window) for any questions and discussions.

Although there is the Slack Channel, do not hesitate to open an issue (opens new window) for any question you might have. We're always more than happy to hear any feedback, and we don't care what kind of form they are.

# Examples

Coming soon...

# Plugins

Coming soon...